THE ORACLE / Seer & Visionary Honey with Ancient Amber + Monoatomic Gold
24K Monoatomic Gold & Amber Visionary Honey
An Ancient Oracle known as the ‘Milk & Honey’ of the Gods.
The Oracle is a recipe of Ancient Lore, bought to life by the Elementals and channelled as a Seer of the past and an Oracle of the future.
This powerful Honey is a divinely decadent blend of crushed Alchemical Baltic Amber, of over 175Million year old, infused with smoked Vanilla beans and whipped into a dreamy, creamy, Amber and Gold psychic development and journey tool.
🜛 Planetary/Stellar Correspondences - Sun (Aurum, Gold ‘Manna’ & Amber)
🜛 Sacred Geometry Correspondence - Tree of Life / Yggdrasil
🜛 Chakra Correspondences - All Chakras - Focus on Solar Plexus, Third-Eye, Earth-Star Chakras
🜛 Frequency Tuning - 316Hz