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THE ORACLE / Seer & Visionary Honey with Ancient Amber + Monoatomic Gold


    24K Monoatomic Gold & Amber Visionary Honey 


    An Ancient Oracle known as the ‘Milk & Honey’ of the Gods. 


    The Oracle is a recipe of Ancient Lore, bought to life by the Elementals and channelled as a Seer of the past and an Oracle of the future. 


    This powerful Honey is a divinely decadent blend of crushed Alchemical Baltic Amber, of over 175Million year old, infused with smoked Vanilla beans and whipped into a dreamy, creamy, Amber and Gold psychic development and journey tool. 


    🜛 Planetary/Stellar Correspondences - Sun (Aurum, Gold ‘Manna’ & Amber)

    🜛 Sacred Geometry Correspondence - Tree of Life / Yggdrasil

    🜛 Chakra Correspondences - All Chakras - Focus on Solar Plexus, Third-Eye, Earth-Star Chakras

    🜛 Frequency Tuning - 316Hz

The products and information provided through this website have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Food and Drug Administration of the USA. (FDA), and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Any information on this website, or on any of our product labels or packaging, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your primary healthcare provider. Please consult a healthcare professional before use, and regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options.

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