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MANNAFESTATION PYRAMID / 24k Monoatomic White Gold 'Manna' Orgonite


    24k Monoatomic Gold Orgonite Pyramid


    Contains: 1 x Small Orgonite Pyramid

    (W: 6cm H: 6.5cm)


    Aurumaya’s range of Pyramids are designed with creative intentions to activate and illuminate the piezoelectric powers of Earth’s natural substances (Crystals, Minerals, ORME's Manna & Metallics) - bringing to you a power-tower of toroidal electrical codes that have the ability to transmit and transmute high-frequency energy and waveform information through the etheric field and dimensional realms.


    Our Pyramids are infused with layers of Manna White Powder Gold & real 24K Gold Leaf to work synergystically in creating a bio harmonic resonant frequency that emits powerfully into the field. 


    Pyramids Contain:

    Resin, Manna White Powder Monoatomic Gold, Gold Powder, 24k Gold Leaf, Golden Triskelion, Clear Quartz Crystal.


    The magic of Orgonite lies in its layered structure. Metals and crystals are embedded within the resin in a way that creates a perpetually-moving field Matrix.

    As organic resin hardens, it permanently compresses the materials, generating what's known as a ‘Piezoelectric effect’. This is due to the quartz crystals, which, under pressure, emit a subtle electrical charge. This charge interacts with the surrounding bio-energy field, transforming stagnant or negative energy into a positive, balanced harmonious state.

    The metals act as conductors, creating a field where energy is continuously drawn in and transmuted - The Torus Field. 


    The main attraction of our Orgone Pyramids is the layered inclusion of ‘Manna’/'Shemanna', also known as "white powder gold’. Manna is an ancient and sacred substance, said to have been brought to Earth by the Anunnaki, Ancient deities of Sumerian lore, as a gift to humanity.

    This ethereal powder is believed to resonate at an incredibly high frequency, residing in the 5th dimension (As the 5th state of Matter).


    When incorporated into Orgonite, Manna is thought to amplify the pyramid's ability to connect to higher-dimensional realms, carrying our thoughts and intentions past the limitations of our earthly 3-D etheric realms. Its presence is said to facilitate a deeper connection to the divine, unlocking higher states of awareness and aiding in the pursuit of inner peace and soul-star consciousness. 


    As above, So below. As within, So without.

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