CHRYSALIS / ATLANTEAN Gold & Silver Honey with Ruby, Emerald & Sapphire Crystals
Dreamy, creamy whipped Peppermint Honey with a suspension of 24K Monoatomic Gold & Esoteric Silver
+ Ruby, Emerald & Sapphire Crystals.
{ A Crystalline Portal into the Future through the Intelligence of the Past }{ Dosage: Eat 1-2 Tsp, once a day. Eat straight from the jar, or add to teas and warm drinks }
🜛 Planetary/Stellar Correspondences - Sun, Moon, Arcturus
🜛 Sacred Geometry Correspondence - Metatron’s Cube, Tesseract
🜛 Chakra Correspondences - All Chakras
🜛 Frequency Tuning - 963Hz
☉ Gold & Silver - Sun & Moon nexus, pillars of spiritual transformation. Soul-star & primordial keepers of the flame. Amplification of psychic senses.
☉ Silica - The voice of the Stone Kingdom. The voice of the Earth. The Ancient Ancestor of our primordial origin. Ties together all realms, on all dimensions and all timelines. The 'I Am' that I Am.
☉ Ruby Crystal - Spiritual strength, warrior, courage, soul exploration, awakening of universal divine truths, soul passion, anchoring the channel, attunement of the radio receiver.☉ Emerald Crystal - Activation of the heart frequency, unconditional love, unity, peaceful equilibrium, master healer, Third-Eye, unification with the truest self, anchoring light codes, transformation. ☉ Sapphire Crystal - Spiritual truth, calmness and freedom of mind, channeling antenna, inter-dimensional communications, circuitry highway for new coding pathways to take form, wisdom from the higher self, liberation and oneness with the divine Source, amplifies altered perceptions of time (past, present & future) and multidimensional timelines.